Also present  

Totals Whitefish Point Bird Obs. – Fall Waterbird Count (MI) 2024

1.Canada Goose8622597112811280284 (28 Sep)382026 Sep 2 Nov
2.Lesser Canada Goose1001101 (27 Sep)2127 Sep27 Sep
3.Snow Goose0101101 ( 2 Oct)21 2 Oct 2 Oct
4.goose sp.00808080080 (11 Nov)2111 Nov11 Nov
5.Trumpeter Swan0404404 (12 Oct)2112 Oct12 Oct
6.Tundra Swan0123302 ( 1 Nov)4231 Oct 1 Nov
7.Blue-winged Teal460101005 ( 3 Oct)8425 Sep 6 Oct
8.Shoveler1130141408 ( 3 Oct)8425 Sep18 Oct
9.Gadwall23860109109041 (12 Oct)301625 Sep26 Oct
10.American Wigeon177734259369360359 ( 3 Oct)432325 Sep 7 Nov
11.Mallard6696350107910790244 (18 Oct)663525 Sep12 Nov
12.Black Duck0404404 ( 4 Oct)21 4 Oct 4 Oct
13.Black Duck/Mallard369279999042 (27 Oct)321729 Sep12 Nov
14.Pintail17940405835830155 (29 Sep)472524 Sep31 Oct
15.dabbling duck sp.7859886846840124 (24 Oct)492625 Sep 9 Nov sp.1311401150168216820163 (11 Oct)774125 Sep13 Nov
17.Green-winged Teal333615399399073 (12 Oct)603224 Sep12 Nov
18.Canvasback0808804 (18 Oct)4218 Oct24 Oct
19.Redhead74289932976297601157 (24 Oct)492626 Sep 8 Nov
20.Ring-necked Duck21993030016 ( 3 Oct)11629 Sep 9 Nov
21.Scaup1211660395217621760267 ( 3 Oct)814324 Sep10 Nov
22.Lesser Scaup91323274414410115 ( 1 Oct)573025 Sep12 Nov
23.Aythya sp.039362393839380792 (24 Oct)3619 1 Oct 7 Nov
24.Greater / Lesser Scaup7052288238323132310634 (12 Oct)623324 Sep12 Nov
25.Harlequin Duck0213301 (25 Oct)6325 Oct13 Nov
26.Surf Scoter2024227289288137 ( 3 Oct)703724 Sep 8 Nov
27.Velvet Scoter1923135285285073 (19 Oct)301624 Sep12 Nov
28.White-winged Scoter201146170133613360227 (20 Oct)583125 Sep14 Nov
29.Black Scoter0547616109 ( 2 Oct)3820 2 Oct 7 Nov
30.scoter sp.0606604 (23 Oct)42 8 Oct23 Oct
31.Surf/Black Scoter0170171707 ( 4 Oct)137 2 Oct27 Oct
32.Long-tailed Duck0100414900149411494103714 (27 Oct)7540 1 Oct15 Nov
33.Bufflehead01592664254250139 ( 1 Nov)321716 Oct12 Nov
34.Goldeneye41158915207720770727 (27 Oct)573028 Sep15 Nov
35.Hooded Merganser0314403 (27 Oct)4227 Oct 6 Nov
36.Goosander14219335370370044 (29 Sep)774124 Sep15 Nov
37.Red-breasted Merganser22370862779100881008801244 ( 1 Nov)1005324 Sep15 Nov
38.Ruffed Grouse0606603 ( 9 Oct)63 2 Oct21 Oct
39.Sharp-tailed Grouse0167706 ( 2 Nov)4223 Oct 2 Nov
40.Rock Dove1001101 (28 Sep)2128 Sep28 Sep
41.Mourning Dove0202202 (21 Oct)2121 Oct21 Oct
42.Sandhill Crane15001515014 (24 Sep)4224 Sep26 Sep
43.Red-necked Grebe23266318510801080097 ( 1 Oct)985224 Sep15 Nov
44.Slavonian Grebe10565717108 (20 Oct)573024 Sep 9 Nov
45.Grey Plover0101101 (11 Oct)2111 Oct11 Oct
46.American Golden Plover63003636015 (22 Oct)251325 Sep22 Oct
47.Semipalmated Plover2103301 (25 Sep)6325 Sep 4 Oct
48.Wilson's Snipe0101101 (23 Oct)2123 Oct23 Oct
49.Sanderling7209902 (25 Sep)11625 Sep 9 Oct
50.Dunlin0707705 (28 Oct)4228 Oct30 Oct
51.Purple Sandpiper0101101 (27 Oct)2127 Oct27 Oct
52.Baird's Sandpiper0101101 ( 1 Oct)21 1 Oct 1 Oct
53.Pectoral Sandpiper1001101 (26 Sep)2126 Sep26 Sep
54.Common Tern51805959035 (27 Sep)11624 Sep 6 Oct
55.sterna sp.0404403 ( 3 Oct)42 3 Oct 4 Oct
56.Kittiwake0101101 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
57.Sabine's Gull0606602 ( 9 Oct)95 2 Oct29 Oct
58.Bonaparte's Gull4288163083080150 (20 Oct)432327 Sep11 Nov
59.Ring-billed Gull7311705346278227820148 ( 2 Oct)1005324 Sep15 Nov
60.Herring Gull22415281014276627660199 ( 7 Nov)1005324 Sep15 Nov
61.Great Black-backed Gull0202201 ( 8 Oct)42 8 Oct30 Oct
62.Glaucous Gull0033302 (13 Nov)4213 Nov14 Nov
63.Lesser Black-backed Gull0011101 ( 7 Nov)21 7 Nov 7 Nov
64.Long-tailed Skua0202201 ( 9 Oct)42 9 Oct18 Oct
65.skua sp.2608801 (26 Sep)15826 Sep15 Oct
66.Arctic Skua0101101 (17 Oct)2117 Oct17 Oct
67.Red-throated Diver7018633289289027 (25 Sep)965124 Sep15 Nov
68.Pacific Loon0011101 (14 Nov)2114 Nov14 Nov
69.Great Northern Diver14033184555555046 (29 Sep)1005324 Sep15 Nov
70.Double-crested Cormorant30813939018 (29 Sep)251324 Sep 9 Nov
71.Cattle Egret0202201 (21 Oct)4221 Oct22 Oct
72.Turkey Vulture0404402 (16 Oct)6310 Oct16 Oct
73.Osprey0101101 ( 5 Oct)21 5 Oct 5 Oct
74.Sharp-shinned Hawk154101002 (21 Oct)17925 Sep12 Nov
75.American Goshawk0134171702 (20 Oct)2815 3 Oct14 Nov
76.Northern Harrier4105501 (25 Sep)9525 Sep25 Oct
77.Bald Eagle84027757504 (11 Oct)854524 Sep15 Nov
78.Red-tailed Hawk3101141405 (11 Oct)15825 Sep 1 Nov
79.Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern)0505504 ( 3 Oct)42 2 Oct 3 Oct
80.Rough-legged Buzzard01311242406 (17 Oct)231212 Oct14 Nov
81.Barn Owl0101101 (23 Oct)2123 Oct23 Oct
82.Northern Saw-whet Owl0101101 (21 Oct)2121 Oct21 Oct
83.Long-eared Owl0101101 (27 Oct)2127 Oct27 Oct
84.Short-eared Owl0404402 (20 Oct)63 6 Oct20 Oct
85.owl sp.0011101 (13 Nov)2113 Nov13 Nov
86.Snowy Owl0011101 (15 Nov)2115 Nov15 Nov
87.Red-headed Woodpecker0303301 (21 Oct)6321 Oct23 Oct
88.Red-bellied Woodpecker0415501 (11 Oct)9511 Oct 6 Nov
89.Black-backed Woodpecker0101101 (12 Oct)2112 Oct12 Oct
90.Downy Woodpecker5299434306 (22 Oct)552924 Sep15 Nov
91.Hairy Woodpecker5426535305 ( 4 Oct)683625 Sep15 Nov
92.Northern Flicker1203301 (28 Sep)6328 Sep 5 Oct
93.Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)0303301 ( 2 Oct)63 2 Oct10 Oct
94.Pileated Woodpecker3104401 (24 Sep)8424 Sep19 Oct
95.American Kestrel0101101 (11 Oct)2111 Oct11 Oct
96.Merlin7366494903 ( 2 Oct)683624 Sep15 Nov
97.Peregrine380111102 ( 3 Oct)15824 Sep18 Oct
98.Western Kingbird0101101 (11 Oct)2111 Oct11 Oct
99.Northern Shrike0527702 (18 Oct)11617 Oct12 Nov
100.Blue Jay347326133133029 (26 Sep)703726 Sep15 Nov
101.American Crow6306424207 (11 Oct)472525 Sep15 Nov
102.Raven133422696909 (26 Sep)603224 Sep15 Nov
103.Cedar Waxwing30703737017 (28 Sep)15825 Sep11 Oct
104.Black-capped Chickadee25283565606 (24 Sep)402124 Sep15 Nov
105.Shore Lark9820133332332063 (26 Sep)894724 Sep15 Nov
106.Swallow0303301 (11 Oct)6311 Oct30 Oct
107.Cliff/Cave Swallow0033303 (10 Nov)2110 Nov10 Nov
108.Ruby-crowned Kinglet1001101 (26 Sep)2126 Sep26 Sep
109.Golden-crowned Kinglet490131303 (21 Oct)17925 Sep21 Oct
110.Winter Wren0303302 (21 Oct)4220 Oct21 Oct
111.Blue-grey Gnatcatcher0202201 (17 Oct)4217 Oct21 Oct
112.White-breasted Nuthatch0202201 ( 3 Oct)42 3 Oct10 Oct
113.Red-breasted Nuthatch5120171704 ( 4 Oct)251325 Sep25 Oct
114.Brown Creeper1001101 (26 Sep)2126 Sep26 Sep
115.Starling0011101 ( 5 Nov)21 5 Nov 5 Nov
116.Townsend's Solitaire0112201 (10 Oct)4210 Oct12 Nov
117.American Robin0010101006 (10 Nov)63 2 Nov10 Nov
118.American Buff-bellied Pipit28014624284271115 (26 Sep)623324 Sep11 Nov
119.finch sp.02171503673670217 (30 Oct)4230 Oct 7 Nov
120.Evening Grosbeak1337703 (18 Oct)6326 Sep15 Nov
121.Purple Finch56437272017 (30 Oct)251326 Sep 5 Nov
122.Mealy Redpoll00373737023 (15 Nov)4210 Nov15 Nov
123.Crossbill106671147147041 (30 Oct)321726 Sep15 Nov
124.Two-barred Crossbill09588183183041 (29 Oct)251328 Oct15 Nov
125.American Goldfinch112193435735730212 (30 Oct)301626 Sep15 Nov
126.Pine Siskin81701360114211420170 ( 9 Oct)683624 Sep15 Nov
127.Lapland Bunting167208888014 (10 Oct)532824 Sep30 Oct
128.Chestnut-collared Longspur0202201 ( 9 Oct)42 9 Oct12 Oct
129.Snow Bunting05482337817810315 (27 Oct)552912 Oct15 Nov
130.Fox Sparrow (Red)0101101 (11 Oct)2111 Oct11 Oct
131.American Tree Sparrow0153181805 (21 Oct)191016 Oct 5 Nov
132.Dark-eyed Junco35906262018 (20 Oct)191026 Sep25 Oct
133.White-throated Sparrow1001101 (26 Sep)2126 Sep26 Sep
134.Savannah Sparrow5106603 (26 Sep)6325 Sep 7 Oct
135.Swamp Sparrow0202201 (11 Oct)4211 Oct21 Oct
136.Red-winged Blackbird0101101 (20 Oct)2120 Oct20 Oct
137.Rusty Blackbird4110151508 (21 Oct)9526 Sep21 Oct
138.Palm Warbler390121205 ( 3 Oct)8428 Sep21 Oct
139.Palm Warbler (Western)2002201 (25 Sep)4225 Sep26 Sep
140.Pine Warbler2002201 (26 Sep)4226 Sep28 Sep
141.Myrtle Warbler321604848017 (24 Sep)251324 Sep21 Oct
142.Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)164406060031 ( 2 Oct)13725 Sep17 Oct
143.Northern Cardinal0011101 (15 Nov)2115 Nov15 Nov
144.warbler sp. 63704343037 ( 2 Oct)6325 Sep 2 Oct
  Totals 5240441941333162765627632 10053  
  Observation hours 52:23248:23120:00420:46

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