Also present  

Totals Cape May Bird Observatory - Morning Flight (NJ) 2016

1.Canada Goose09516006051 (23 Oct)32 2 Sep23 Oct
2.Wood Duck00282802824 (23 Oct)32 3 Oct23 Oct
3.Mallard0505505 (11 Sep)1111 Sep11 Sep
4.Black Duck/Mallard0033303 (28 Oct)1128 Oct28 Oct
5.Green-winged Teal0101011 (23 Sep)1123 Sep23 Sep
6.Surf Scoter0055055 (28 Oct)1128 Oct28 Oct
7.Black Scoter063541142731 (28 Oct)4328 Sep28 Oct
8.Surf/Black Scoter00424204242 (28 Oct)1128 Oct28 Oct
9.Common Nighthawk0505232 (15 Sep)54 3 Sep22 Sep
10.Chimney Swift45860131646725 (10 Sep)312415 Aug23 Sep
11.Ruby-throated Hummingbird284417359146 (26 Aug)413215 Aug 3 Oct
12.Yellow-billed Cuckoo1113121 (19 Aug)4319 Aug29 Oct
13.Mourning Dove510249290104979725287 (15 Oct)876815 Aug31 Oct
14.American Oystercatcher0404044 (22 Sep)1122 Sep22 Sep
15.American Avocet2002022 (17 Aug)1117 Aug17 Aug
16.Grey Plover1613201194 ( 2 Oct)151217 Aug30 Oct
17.Killdeer1171511695911085 (23 Oct)272115 Aug28 Oct
18.Semipalmated Plover1417031181312 ( 7 Sep)12917 Aug21 Sep
19.Piping Plover1001011 (17 Aug)1117 Aug17 Aug
20.Hudsonian Whimbrel1203211 (26 Aug)4326 Aug 7 Sep
21.Short-billed Dowitcher6006065 (16 Aug)3216 Aug23 Aug
22.dowitcher sp.0202202 (23 Sep)1123 Sep23 Sep
23.Wilson's Snipe2002202 (27 Aug)1127 Aug27 Aug
24.Spotted Sandpiper0101101 (24 Sep)1124 Sep24 Sep
25.Solitary Sandpiper19414954 ( 6 Oct)10824 Aug 6 Oct
26.Lesser Yellowlegs224632151710 (16 Aug)12915 Aug14 Oct
27.Willet2002022 (20 Aug)1120 Aug20 Aug
28.Greater Yellowlegs5005055 (23 Aug)1123 Aug23 Aug
29.Turnstone2002022 (24 Aug)1124 Aug24 Aug
30.Stilt Sandpiper0303122 (11 Sep)3211 Sep21 Sep
31.Sanderling0044044 (28 Oct)1128 Oct28 Oct
32.Least Sandpiper1515333181513 (26 Sep)10816 Aug10 Oct
33.White-rumped Sandpiper05182319417 (10 Oct)5411 Sep12 Oct
34.Pectoral Sandpiper1618264 (12 Sep)6518 Aug 4 Oct
35.Western/Semipalmated Sandpiper9009276 (22 Aug)4317 Aug26 Aug
36.Semipalmated Sandpiper407047212618 (16 Aug)10815 Aug 5 Sep
37.Black Skimmer0421752171216100 ( 1 Oct)86 5 Sep 2 Oct
38.Least Tern0101101 ( 8 Sep)11 8 Sep 8 Sep
39.Caspian Tern0404222 ( 5 Sep)32 5 Sep13 Sep
40.Black Tern17707877177 ( 3 Sep)3223 Aug 3 Sep
41.Bonaparte's Gull1001101 (22 Aug)1122 Aug22 Aug
42.Laughing Gull00252516925 (28 Oct)1128 Oct28 Oct
43.Ring-billed Gull30172017317 (28 Oct)4326 Aug28 Oct
44.Herring Gull0044404 (28 Oct)1128 Oct28 Oct
45.Lesser Black-backed Gull0112111 (19 Sep)3219 Sep28 Oct
46.S. parasiticus / pomarinus1001011 (31 Aug)1131 Aug31 Aug
47.Great Northern Diver02303223011 (26 Oct)1713 5 Sep31 Oct
48.Gannet0099187 (28 Oct)3221 Oct28 Oct
49.Cormorant (p. c. carbo)0101101 (24 Sep)1124 Sep24 Sep
50.Double-crested Cormorant4882363284324236 (28 Oct)6515 Aug28 Oct
51.Glossy Ibis1001101 (19 Aug)1119 Aug19 Aug
52.Tricolored Heron1900191909 (21 Aug)5418 Aug28 Aug
53.Snowy Egret185868277521 (14 Sep)191520 Aug13 Oct
54.Green Heron1304313 ( 8 Sep)3220 Aug 8 Sep
55.Cattle Egret0033032 (27 Oct)3223 Oct27 Oct
56.Great White Egret633524122626018 (20 Aug)372915 Aug27 Oct
57.Great Blue Heron5362263135012 (23 Oct)362815 Aug29 Oct
58.Brown Pelican1203302 ( 2 Sep)3226 Aug 2 Sep
59.Turkey Vulture0342660243634 (15 Sep)4315 Sep28 Oct
60.Osprey0516065 (23 Sep)3223 Sep23 Oct
61.Sharp-shinned Hawk0138221323511969382961 (10 Oct)4938 4 Sep31 Oct
62.Cooper's Hawk0226890622813 (10 Oct)3124 8 Sep29 Oct
63.Northern Harrier025345985112 (11 Oct)2721 7 Sep28 Oct
64.Bald Eagle0112021 (23 Sep)3223 Sep28 Oct
65.Red-shouldered Hawk0235051 (22 Sep)6522 Sep28 Oct
66.Broad-winged Hawk07310373 (12 Sep)5412 Sep10 Oct
67.Red-tailed Hawk05611294 (15 Sep)8615 Sep28 Oct
68.Belted Kingfisher51572712152 (10 Sep)282215 Aug20 Oct
69.Red-headed Woodpecker0235321 (23 Sep)6523 Sep16 Oct
70.Red-bellied Woodpecker02897125735235 (11 Oct)272122 Sep31 Oct
71.Yellow-bellied Sapsucker0539443687 ( 4 Oct)221725 Sep27 Oct
72.Downy Woodpecker019254432125 ( 7 Sep)3124 7 Sep29 Oct
73.Hairy Woodpecker0426602 (28 Sep)6522 Sep12 Oct
74.Northern Flicker8483153820291807222716 (10 Oct)645019 Aug30 Oct
75.American Kestrel0533083503317 (10 Oct)2721 3 Sep24 Oct
76.Merlin138296816527 (23 Oct)423323 Aug28 Oct
77.Peregrine0358261 ( 7 Sep)108 7 Sep27 Oct
78.Eastern Phoebe0333363247 (14 Oct)211624 Sep31 Oct
79.Eastern Wood Pewee085131213 ( 8 Sep)108 2 Sep15 Oct
80.Alder Flycatcher0202201 ( 8 Sep)32 8 Sep25 Sep
81.Least Flycatcher1203302 (20 Sep)3220 Aug20 Sep
82.Empidonax sp.1405503 ( 2 Sep)4315 Aug21 Sep
83.Western Kingbird0123302 (20 Oct)32 3 Sep20 Oct
84.Eastern Kingbird2110347124581849609494 (22 Aug)403115 Aug 4 Oct
85.Great Crested Flycatcher3104311 (16 Aug)5416 Aug16 Sep
86.Red-eyed Vireo1414421179170930 (22 Sep)383023 Aug14 Oct
87.Philadelphia Vireo0314312 (16 Sep)4313 Sep 4 Oct
88.Philadelphia/Warbling Vireo0202201 (12 Sep)3212 Sep16 Sep
89.Warbling Vireo0303211 (12 Sep)4312 Sep21 Sep
90.Blue-headed Vireo0022201 (14 Oct)3214 Oct15 Oct
91.Blue Jay09470479189290107 (15 Oct)3225 7 Sep29 Oct
92.American Crow001441441331175 (24 Oct)4310 Oct28 Oct
93.Fish Crow022140162016285 (20 Oct)5425 Sep20 Oct
94.Cedar Waxwing13431987160349334200733666 ( 4 Oct)685315 Aug31 Oct
95.Tufted Titmouse0011101 (15 Oct)1115 Oct15 Oct
96.Shore Lark0011101 (24 Oct)1124 Oct24 Oct
97.Sand Martin2431286228 (16 Aug)9716 Aug23 Oct
98.Tree Swallow38284857568642478838541263 (21 Oct)584516 Aug31 Oct
99.Purple Martin318138045630415288 (27 Aug)292315 Aug15 Sep
100.Northern Rough-winged Swallow0077075 (13 Oct)3212 Oct13 Oct
101.Swallow1115348014634161047227 (16 Aug)453515 Aug23 Sep
102.Cave Swallow0011101 (23 Oct)1123 Oct23 Oct
103.Ruby-crowned Kinglet051331381281075 (25 Oct)231816 Sep29 Oct
104.Golden-/Ruby-crowned Kinglet001861861797140 (25 Oct)9710 Oct29 Oct
105.Golden-crowned Kinglet00215215208761 (15 Oct)2318 4 Oct31 Oct
106.Blue-grey Gnatcatcher21016253773512675 (15 Aug)443415 Aug15 Oct
107.White-breasted Nuthatch0028282719 (15 Oct)8614 Oct31 Oct
108.Red-breasted Nuthatch693202506396122777 (12 Sep)544223 Aug31 Oct
109.Brown Creeper0111121113 (25 Oct)10825 Sep26 Oct
110.Grey Catbird0022202 ( 4 Oct)11 4 Oct 4 Oct
111.Northern Mockingbird1430171525 (23 Aug)141115 Aug25 Sep
112.Brown Thrasher0123301 (28 Sep)4328 Sep15 Oct
113.Starling309496188326887401948249 (16 Oct)624815 Aug31 Oct
114.Eastern Bluebird0077165 (29 Oct)4326 Oct31 Oct
115.Swainson's Thrush0112201 (25 Sep)3225 Sep 4 Oct
116.Catharus sp.0011011 (13 Oct)1113 Oct13 Oct
117.Grey-cheeked Thrush0011101 (15 Oct)1115 Oct15 Oct
118.Veery0202111 (14 Sep)3214 Sep22 Sep
119.American Robin394817239173261323840886006 (25 Oct)645015 Aug31 Oct
120.House Sparrow31295110704035 (12 Oct)151224 Aug29 Oct
121.American Buff-bellied Pipit091942031178641 (27 Oct)322524 Sep31 Oct
122.finch sp.004084088332575 (15 Oct)151211 Oct30 Oct
123.Purple Finch19426436335101120 (25 Oct)352727 Aug31 Oct
124.House Finch14156170118981288610348 (14 Oct)594615 Aug31 Oct
125.American Goldfinch10533854799069329788 (12 Sep)765915 Aug31 Oct
126.Pine Siskin0020206149 (18 Oct)9715 Oct29 Oct
127.Lapland Bunting0011011 (23 Oct)1123 Oct23 Oct
128.Lark Sparrow1001101 (22 Aug)1122 Aug22 Aug
129.Chipping Sparrow061221281082032 (25 Oct)2620 7 Sep31 Oct
130.Field Sparrow0224401 (22 Sep)5422 Sep14 Oct
131.Dark-eyed Junco001771771532458 (20 Oct)1713 4 Oct31 Oct
132.White-crowned Sparrow0011101 (11 Oct)1111 Oct11 Oct
133.White-throated Sparrow0101101 (25 Sep)1125 Sep25 Sep
134.Vesper Sparrow0033302 (14 Oct)3214 Oct15 Oct
135.Savannah Sparrow0321071391162325 (15 Oct)403110 Sep29 Oct
136.Swamp Sparrow0022201 (15 Oct)3215 Oct25 Oct
137.Eastern Towhee0011101 (14 Oct)1114 Oct14 Oct
138.Yellow-headed Blackbird0011011 (20 Oct)1120 Oct20 Oct
139.Bobolink8418585519477153679416306 (10 Sep)675215 Aug29 Oct
140.Eastern Meadowlark00107107485915 (11 Oct)2318 5 Oct31 Oct
141.Baltimore Oriole122250637835325108 ( 7 Sep)473715 Aug25 Oct
142.Orchard Oriole4004402 (23 Aug)4322 Aug24 Aug
143.Red-winged Blackbird3716859571310288353667521094 (29 Oct)907015 Aug31 Oct
144.Brown-headed Cowbird362792965340612082198978 (25 Oct)423315 Aug31 Oct
145.Rusty Blackbird022402421439983 (25 Oct)262025 Sep31 Oct
146.blackbird sp.0450161620664241642742 (20 Oct)12925 Sep31 Oct
147.Common Grackle5549351393510411 (23 Aug)544216 Aug30 Oct
148.Boat-tailed Grackle0077072 ( 4 Oct)54 4 Oct29 Oct
149.Ovenbird690151413 (24 Aug)141123 Aug25 Sep
150.Worm-eating Warbler4206512 (23 Aug)6516 Aug 2 Sep
151.Louisiana Waterthrush7007522 (15 Aug)5415 Aug19 Aug
152.Northern Waterthrush2092355149544154102 (18 Aug)725615 Aug25 Oct
153.Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush36003631514 (18 Aug)141115 Aug31 Aug
154.Blue-winged Warbler7108802 (15 Aug)8615 Aug 4 Sep
155.Blue-winged/Golden-winged Warbler0101101 (21 Sep)1121 Sep21 Sep
156.Black-and-white Warbler139275574714462573 ( 2 Sep)634915 Aug20 Oct
157.Prothonotary Warbler8008712 (19 Aug)9715 Aug31 Aug
158.Oreothlypis sp.0510151323 ( 6 Oct)1310 8 Sep20 Oct
159.Tennessee Warbler44419676167 ( 2 Sep)362815 Aug29 Oct
160.Orange-crowned Warbler0044401 ( 6 Oct)54 6 Oct17 Oct
161.Nashville Warbler01828464156 (14 Oct)2822 7 Sep19 Oct
162.Connecticut Warbler085131302 (12 Sep)1310 5 Sep14 Oct
163.Common Yellowthroat0328403919 (25 Sep)2419 2 Sep25 Oct
164.American Redstart934251287353334181151021 ( 2 Sep)725615 Aug14 Oct
165.Cape May Warbler11262863593233655 (24 Sep)604723 Aug26 Oct
166.Northern Parula89352641207117037128 (24 Sep)685318 Aug25 Oct
167.Magnolia Warbler759137972710 (24 Sep)383023 Aug14 Oct
168.Bay-breasted Warbler0113141403 (12 Sep)1310 6 Sep 6 Oct
169.Blackburnian Warbler8231323116 (21 Sep)181421 Aug11 Oct
170.American Yellow Warbler20125034544193547 (18 Aug)584515 Aug10 Oct
171.Chestnut-sided Warbler153114745216 ( 2 Sep)211620 Aug10 Oct
172.Blackpoll Warbler0405204924542308146867 (14 Oct)6047 2 Sep31 Oct
173.Bay-breasted/Blackpoll Warbler0326383715 (28 Sep)2217 6 Sep14 Oct
174.Black-throated Blue Warbler171871723763611572 ( 4 Oct)503923 Aug25 Oct
175.Palm Warbler0810173025402310230390 (10 Oct)6248 7 Sep31 Oct
176.Palm Warbler (Yellow)0112111 (24 Sep)3224 Sep23 Oct
177.Pine Warbler3521292726 ( 4 Oct)241915 Aug31 Oct
178.Myrtle Warbler14022975230161736956475672 (20 Oct)503927 Aug31 Oct
179.Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)0202202 (16 Sep)1116 Sep16 Sep
180.Prairie Warbler21142373525 (23 Aug)272115 Aug 6 Oct
181.Black-throated Green Warbler7337111110389 (10 Oct)463615 Aug25 Oct
182.Canada Warbler1001101 (27 Aug)1127 Aug27 Aug
183.Wilson's Warbler0202111 ( 7 Sep)32 7 Sep23 Sep
184.Summer Tanager0101101 (28 Sep)1128 Sep28 Sep
185.Scarlet Tanager0139222025 ( 8 Sep)1512 2 Sep11 Oct
186.Rose-breasted Grosbeak0510151323 ( 4 Oct)1411 6 Sep16 Oct
187.Northern Cardinal0011101 (15 Oct)1115 Oct15 Oct
188.Dickcissel01715322488 (28 Sep)2116 2 Sep19 Oct
189.Blue Grosbeak295161244 ( 8 Sep)12927 Aug 4 Oct
190.Indigo Bunting91251142482123645 ( 4 Oct)594615 Aug29 Oct
191.warbler sp. 3301344868110355908212732711 ( 4 Oct)826415 Aug29 Oct
Other species
1.Bottle-Nosed Dolphin03003030030 (23 Sep)1123 Sep23 Sep
2.Eastern Red Bat1001011 (27 Aug)1127 Aug27 Aug
Other species
1.Monarch1567811632413950 (20 Oct)403123 Aug24 Oct
2.Common Buckeye 0101101 (23 Sep)1123 Sep23 Sep
3.Red-spotted Purple1001011 (26 Aug)1126 Aug26 Aug
4.Cloudless Sulphur 0202111 ( 2 Sep)32 2 Sep 9 Sep
Other species
1.Common Green Darner673070244639 (16 Aug)10815 Aug23 Sep
2.Swamp Darner0909907 ( 8 Sep)43 2 Sep 9 Sep
3.Wandering Glider0404404 (23 Sep)1123 Sep23 Sep
4.Spot-winged Glider0101101 (23 Sep)1123 Sep23 Sep
5.Black Saddlebags0505504 (23 Sep)32 2 Sep23 Sep
  Totals 1388927266846221257778208343694 10078  
  Observation hours 44:2692:5091:40228:56

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